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Hi all. How does anyone feel about the MAP movement, social group? Would you go to MAP Pride?


There is no pride in being mentally ill please take your meds.


You're just a xenophobe and a fascist!


The very definition of “minors” is flawed. If a girl has menstruation, she’s already a fertile woman. «Ephebophilia» is an artificially constructed term to discriminate male sexuality. In fact, it’s just a norm that a healthy male is attracted to a fertile woman, whether she’s 20 or 14.


>>I agree, that all these terms pedo or ephebo were artificially invented to divide society in order to sow discord and hostility. Before pedohysteria, this was considered the norm, and they always said this: he’s straight or he’s not straight. There are no age restrictions in the Holy Scriptures, science has also proven that pedophilia is normal and natural. As for the maturity of girls, this is easy to determine, for example, a girl’s vagina moisturizes when aroused, she wants sex. This can happen at any age.


Hi) I have a very good attitude towards MAP, but I myself am not a pedophile, I am bisexual. Previously, LGBT people and MAP stood up for their rights together, but then society became divided, and this needs to be corrected. If anything, I’m ready to come to the pride and support you.


Yes, white supremacist, anti-capitalist, anti-communist, anti-lgbt, anti-Christ, and basically a universal antagonist. Fuck off, abomination. I have no use for people who make a pride movement over being capable of erection. You should be shot and dumped in an ocean to feed fish that's dying out because of retards such as (You).


Referring to natural norms is not acceptable in civilized society. Humans are a step above beasts who can't control their natural urges. If you can't control them, you're obligated to be deprived from human rights and to go to a zoo or to a slaughterhouse.


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It's not about pedohysteria, it's about the fact that given our current level of progress a basic school level is no more acceptable for an average person. So everyone should learn through their puberty. And spending this time for hanky panky activity is not acceptable. Thus pupils should be massively put on puberty blockers so they think about education, not about sex, and so they do not naturally become sexually attractive too early.

Compare this with how gypsies don't care about school education. A gypsy girl from my neighbourhood went to school in fur coats in 5th grade already, explicitly ignored education thus demonstrating an immoral behavioural model for others, and finally emigrated in 12 years to get married for some sugar daddy from Moscow. Indeed, why educate if your destiny is to become a living masturbator for some dork, or a drag dealer, if you're male? All drug dealers need to know is basic school arithmetics to count cash. This is a social parasite, and both such parasites and those who sponsor them should be slaughtered from existence. They only can live this way because excessively rich persons exist who can afford satisfying their shady desires.


> who make a pride movement over being capable of erection
Indeed, being capable of erection is totally not something to be proud of. Male oppressors should be massively castrated so they don't pose a threat to women, kids and omega males anymore.


>Male oppressors should be massively castrated so they don't pose a threat to women, kids and omega males anymore
Then who will humiliate me in gangbangs?


I didn't care about this thread, but I couldn't resist. Sexual blockers?! This is destructive for people and genetics! Do you want to break, spoil the DNA of children? Then everything is clear. Society calls people like you reptilians, enemies of humanity. We were told at lectures about you that you want to ruin people’s health and reduce their numbers, you are parasites. Everything should be done naturally, without interfering with natural norms. Regarding education, children themselves must choose the subjects they need.


It’s not for you, the oppressor parasite, to talk about the civilized world and what it should be like! In addition, animals are better and wiser than people. But you are neither human nor animal! You are an artificial creation, a mold, a helminth.


Are you a feminist woman? Do you know that oppressive women also exist? Moreover, not all men are bad and oppressive. You talk like a stupid, bloodthirsty and mentally retarded person! You are now positioning yourself as an oppressor, plus another demonstration of prejudice and bias!


хлопці я вами пишаюся


>Are you a feminist woman?
Let me be your woman.


> Do you want to break, spoil the DNA of children?
It's the 21th century, time to put reproduction under artificial control.
> Everything should be done naturally, without interfering with natural norms
Quiet, monke. What do you do on the Internet? It's counter-natural. Climb up a branch and get outta my way.

Ungrateful kids of modernity, upbrought in an artificial purity, underestimate how dangerous the nature really is. You don't have to suffer from plague. You almost never die from childbirth. You don't consider intestinal parasites as something inevitable. You can live for decades if you've got cancer. You don't need to care much for a local crop failure because it won't make you starve anymore.
> animals are better and wiser than people
Then go fuck an animal, churka.
> Do you know that oppressive women also exist?
Yes, and that's why I abstain from marriage, and from any relationships with women at all, because in Ukrainian reality they can end up with a forced marriage anyway. I consider migrating to some Islamic country where women have much less rights though.
> Moreover, not all men are bad and oppressive
They're not men then really, they're fags, trans girls in denial. True man is an aggressive unbearable bastard, whose existence is only as disgusting as of a spider on a wall, whose look only causes an urge to smash it immediately. The less testosterone men have, the more agreeable they are. But as testerone makes a man a man, don't you find there is some problem?
> You talk like a stupid, bloodthirsty and mentally retarded person!
Yes, and? Who defined the notion of retardness? Mental retardness is by definition stepping away from a societal norm. A norm is defined by the majority. Why are you sure the majority is actually right? I see the majority as a stupid herd. Thus I also despise democracy, obviously.


Even if black, chinese or jewish supremacy. Any fascism is bastard and brings death. Dictatorship and totalitarianism have always been and are crap that has brought nothing good to humanity, only wars, death, destruction and hunger. But I think that you are russian and support the russian fascist president.

As for Pride, it's not about erections, these events are dedicated to supporting minorities, people's rights and equality.


> and brings death
What's wrong with deaths? There are almost 8 billions of people already. Nature can't bear that much. So billions must be eliminate somehow anyway so at least the rest can survive.
> people's rights and equality
It's pointless to pretend that people are equal. It contradicts every possible observation. You are too used to the world order that settled down after WWII and especially after the Cold War. When USSR and communists/socialists in general won a right to be recognized with all their leftist bullshit (before WWII USSR was barely even recognized by other states). This world order has come to an end as we stepped into WWIII already, it's unwise to reject it's already happening and won't stop already. Everything you're used to is going to be reformatted soon. The death of British queen, the end of USA hehemony, the end of a united global world, the end of Russia being taken seriously, the end of naïve expectations that wars are in the past for the Western world already so we can calm down, demilitarize and think of pink ponies and human rights instead. All of it is coming to an end. Enjoy your doomed future. And take part in building it, otherwise it won't satisfy you.

But I distracted a bit. The win of USSR has put the ground for UN as we know it. To liberation of former colonies, so they, while still being proxies of first world (West) or second world (commies) could be used to vote in UN by numbers. The more marionette states, the better. As UN loses influence, and the whole global order is destroyed, their independence does not make sense anymore. Global South is supposed to get re-colonized again and dominated by white (or Chinese) overlords. The fight has began.


schizos going wild lmao
death schmeath grow up it's kill or be killed. the nature of this world is violence. "free" world enslaves you by catering to your abnormal want of personal safety, "unfree" world enslaves you by the gun. fuck off. you're low iq. don't fucking talk to me. kys


> kill or be killed
With what? Western soy folks are barely able to kill each other. White people specifically outbred any agressive societal elements, by systematically oppressing those who don't abide. Especially in the Europe, as adventure seekers emigrated to America, while more inert people remained. They really opened a Pandora's box by allowing immigrants from poor regions which didn't undergo such a selection and are not genetically inclined to moral behaviour. And in post-socialist countries the selection was rather negative: plebs exterminated the intelligence.


I'm reading this and I'm surprised. The topic is interesting, but I can’t understand what fascists and nazis are doing in these topics and threads? Maybe they are latent?? Okay, nothing new. I've seen them before on LGBT sites. They are primitive and think stereotypically, for example about guys, a guy must be bad if his testosterone is normal, testosterone is the hormone of aggression. Testosterone itself is not a hormone of aggression, it is a sex, sexual, reproductive hormone, which is also responsible for strength and endurance. The hormones norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and cortisol are responsible for aggression. I gave read this to sensible Americans who have normal testosterone and date girls. We laughed together at this nonsense. I will also say about myself, I had cases when testosterone exceeded the norm, then I did not become aggressive for no reason, it was specifically because of testosterone that I wanted to do more sports and sex.

In rare cases, testosterone can affect aggressiveness if hormonal levels are disrupted. Typically, aggression appears when dopamine and serotonin levels are low.



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> Maybe they are latent??
Why "latent"? I have gender dysphoria obviously, yet it does not obligate me to join the left-liberal camp or even to transition. Why waste it for self-soothing when I can sublimate its power for revolutionary actions against society? It's an aptitude to have a stable source of motivating pain.
> Testosterone itself is not a hormone of aggression, it is a sex, sexual, reproductive hormone, which is also responsible for strength and endurance.
And for turning a person into disgusting critters which is considered by society as normal just because it's natural. That's more attributable to dihydrotestosterone though, which can be fought specifically, even though being produced from testosterone.
> and date girls
Thus sponsoring vaginocapitalism.
> I wanted to do more sports
Isn't sport aggresive by its nature to you? It's just sublimation of aggression.


> Dictatorship and totalitarianism have always been and are crap that has brought nothing good to humanity, only wars, death, destruction and hunger.

> are

Also notice that this is not me saying "are" here.


And for turning a person into disgusting critters which is considered by society as normal just because it's natural. That's more attributable to dihydrotestosterone though, which can be fought specifically, even though being produced from testosterone.

Loving is normal and natural, but the fact is that people have prejudices and everyone perceives the norm in their own way. For example, I met that gays said that it is natural to be gay, but to be straight is unnatural and abnormal, and straight people also say about gays and bisexuals that they are unnatural and abnormal. Not everyone is like that, but there are such people among everyone, and it’s sad.

As for testosterone, antifa and vegans held a conference saying that it is not the fault of testosterone itself, that people deteriorate externally over time, but because of what people eat and the lifestyle they lead. For example, vegans who do not consume artificial food and animal products, their testosterone does not release harmful parts. Those who eat meat, products with yeast, they experience hormonal imbalance and instability. Alcohol and drugs also spoil your appearance and health. This is all regulated by proper nutrition and lifestyle. Veganism is useful not only for saving the lives of animals, but also for human health and the environment.


>What's wrong with deaths? There are almost 8 billions of people already. Nature can't bear that much. So billions must be eliminate somehow anyway so at least the rest can survive.

This can be regulated in a humane way, without killing, for example by prohibiting giving birth to more than one child for some time. Or not plan pregnancy at all for some time or for life. Contraception must be used to protect against unplanned pregnancy. Education must be provided on these issues.


> For example, vegans who do not consume artificial food and animal products, their testosterone does not release harmful parts
Yeah, by literally becoming herbivore ponies.

But how do those ponies deal with carnivores who attack them? Willingful veganism won't eliminate the threat from the planet per se.
> by prohibiting giving birth to more than one child
It was already tried and failed in China. Kids were born illegally anyway, and used as a free workforce (in particular, Nokia was pulled into a scandal because camera lenses produced in China turned out to be polished by tiny fingers of such unregistered kids in an agressive solution).

You cannot prevent stupid monkes who cannot control themselves from unprotected sex this way. Nothing willingful would work, they just lack the willpower. The most humane way would be to sterilize them, which is consider acceptable for pets for a long time already, but somehow not for humans, because of all of this egalitarian leftist bullshit and Nazi-phobia.


China is country with dictatorial regime, has corrupt ties with Russia, and China officially positions itself as a communist, but in fact it is the same fascism. What is happening in China is a plan. If they wanted to regulate the birth rate, they would do it. For example, you can reward and pay additional benefits to childless people and those who have only one child. It is necessary to find out who the parent of the discovered baby is if the restriction for subsequent proceedings and the rendering of a verdict has been violated. There are many ways you can think of.

As for veganism, it will help the planet and will also regulate the economy for the better. Do you know how much money it takes to raise one cow and one pig on a farm? They need to be fed and watered every day, and these are costs and expenses. Imagine how much money you need for one pig every day to feed it! Once killed, it will be eaten by one to five or six people. Economically, this is irrational, the farm spent more money on raising the pig, and besides, there is an unpleasant smell coming from the farms, which pollutes the air; I am silent about unsanitary conditions.

In addition, you will be surprised, but carnivorous animals can be made vegan. Everyone needs the same proteins, microelements and vitamins. They can NOT be obtained from animal products. More than once, society has asked vegans who have pets, including cats and dogs: what do you feed your pets? They answer: what we ourselves eat, we give to them. Also began producing vegan animal food.


It is a great breakthrough in achieving civilization that antifa and vegans have developed vegan dietary supplements, medicines and animal feed (Vegan pet food is mega cool!). In addition, there are achievements in the production of clothing without animal materials and products (household chemicals, medicines) that have not been tested on animals.


> China officially positions itself as a communist, but in fact it is the same fascism
How much are you aware of USSR history in 20s? It's just natural that more aggressive and authoritarian commies displace the soy ones believing in justice.
> For example, you can reward and pay additional benefits to childless people and those who have only one child
Parents would just hide their child to get the perks lol.
> It is necessary to find out who the parent of the discovered baby
Well, that is more viable as when that policy was in action, DNA tests were not put on such a massive scale yet.
> Do you know how much money it takes to raise one cow and one pig on a farm?
Okay, so you would prefer to eat the grass yourself instead of them? Go find a more efficient way to convert it into food suitable for humans. Why invent an automaton for that when you already have a living automaton? Just because it poops and smells lol?
> unpleasant smell
Lol, one more rant of a pampered city snowflake, come back to reality.
> Everyone needs the same proteins, microelements and vitamins
Yeah, if you feed them intravenously. How would you adapt their teeth and enzyme production for herbal food?
> what we ourselves eat, we give to them
Animal torture, send animal justice to them.
> there are achievements in the production of clothing without animal materials and products
Yeah, made from fossil pee of dinosaurs which is coming to an end.

Why are you obsessed about animals so much? Animals were domesticated so they can serve some purpose. Cats hunts for mice who destroy the grain reserves. Dogs protect the house and their owners. Their use is not keeping them castrated at an apartment and petting them. That's a totally counter-natural thing justified only by the irrational feeling of compassion of the humans themselves. Not of animals. Animals are not really asked what's best for them in such a situation (and you cannot anyway). I can definitely say that this counter-natural city lifestyle is much more of torture than keeping animals fed and cared of on a farm, serving their purpose of life. Cows are happy when someone milks them. And if you don't kill them to eat them young, they would anyway age, die, rot and become eaten by worms. How is that better? Come back to reality. Vegans live in a total illusion.


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As for the USSR, I will say this: it is the same fascist state as the Third Reich, only without racial and national prejudices. Exactly the same purges, censorship, reprisals against unwanted people and camps. Russians call Stalin the main antifascist, but he had nothing to do with antifa, he was the same as Hitler, only Hitler selected based on race, and Stalin based on class. Also, before the war, the nazis, together with soviet troops, held a parade in Moscow. In general, there are many types, colors and varieties of fascism; they can even conflict with each other and compete.

About veganism! In people and animals, the acid-base balance and much more changes, depending on what they eat, the digestive system adapts to the diet.

Death of animals. You may not have empathy, because you said: it’s okay that they are on the farm, they will die anyway. Then we can ask you: why do you live if you will die anyway and feed worms? Animals want to live too!

You can learn to understand and communicate with animals. And they will let you know what they need, what mood they are in, whether they want to eat or go to the pool to swim. This applies to any animal. Any animal can be domesticated. People also domesticate tigers and lions, because animals are friends for humans, our little brothers. There are many cases when animals come to a human for help or to get acquainted and make friends. We must treat them with respect and help them with something, depending on what they need. We are for equality between people and animals.


> As for the USSR, I will say this: it is the same fascist state as the Third Reich, only without racial and national prejudices.
Hey, keep track of the discussion, you just blamed China for not being commies enough, and now you blame for not being antifa enough.
> In general, there are many types, colors and varieties of fascism
But all being based on some kind of supremacy, and I can't take seriously the clowns who deny any kinds of supremacy.
> the acid-base balance and much more changes
How the heck will the acid balance make your stomach the same complex one as that of a cow?
> why do you live
It's not a question for me, but for my parent. The correct one would be is why I don't suicide. And why should I?
> Animals want to live too!
Pointless stance. Killing the prey is crucial for keeping the balance in the ecosystem. Many species are tuned for a certain amount of loss, and if this loss is eliminated, they quickly reproduce out of control and ruin the ecosystem.

The will for life is a very basic and primitive thing which is not something to be respected. It's just a motivation for a lifeform to compete. There are lots of lifeforms who lack even some kind of primitive brain, yet they live and don't suicide. Because living is an automatic process, stupid. It does need to be justified somehow. This is a yet another misconception of delusional city dwellers who don't need to touch the grass every year, and thus don't realize that the annoying grass dominates everything if not cared of.
> And they will let you know what they need
How does that matter? The fact someone needs something does not mean someone gets it. That's a fantasy commies took too seriously. No ones wishes are somehow obligated to be fulfilled. Pets exist just because their owners care of them. Out of care, they turn out totally uncompetitive (but pigs, rats and some other domesticated species, which are still quite dangerous in the wild).
> Any animal can be domesticated
For what? Assholes who do that terrorize whole buildings then when their "harmless" fondlings suddenly escape.
> There are many cases when animals come to a human for help or to get acquainted and make friends
They do that because they are soy and can't withstand their own kind, so they resort to try being protected by humans. Same way how leftists gather marginals outcasted by society, like rebellious women, LGBT, invalids, lone seniles and whoever, who cannot stand for themselves and seek help from the state which they expect to push oppression against their offenders, like they're offended for no reason and they're somehow right while offenders are wrong. A psychology of a soy kid who runs away from bullies to their mum and asks for protection from bullies. Such victims of offension grow up into the most bloody and vengeant dictators. And that's just another reason why a leftist cannot be liberal at all. The vengeance is all that backs leftism.


>Why "latent"? I have gender dysphoria obviously

How is a nazi associated with LGBT+ people? Hitler would shoot you for this. The whole world knows how the nazis killed LGBT people.


> How is a nazi associated with LGBT+ people?
Directly. That acronym, LGBT+, does not include (and actions of LGBT+ activists explicitly exclude) C or S, FYI.
> Hitler
Blatant argumentum ad hominem detected.


> Hitler would shoot you for this.

Recently someone asked in 4chan's /lgbt/: there are two buttons, one button kills all chads, another one kills all troons. Guess which one did troons themselves choose.


You are not paying attention! Read it again! I mean that China and the USSR are the same fascist states as fascist Italy and nazi Germany. North Korea also has a fascist regime. The names are different, but the essence is the same. Any dictatorship, authoritarianism and totalitarianism is fascism. Real leftist politics is anti-authoritarian, democratic and liberal. What you said about leftists being embittered and vengeful is complete nonsense! Remember Hitler, what he did because his art works and paintings were not accepted.

You also said something absurd about animal behavior, comparing them with people and situations that are completely different and fundamentally different. And the gastrointestinal tract of animals is of different lengths and shapes, but the digestive, chemical and biological function is actually the same for everyone.

You have a wrong understanding of the left and right wings of politics. Maybe it's because you listened to those who claimed to be leftists, but in fact they are not?


>Why waste it for self-soothing when I can sublimate its power for revolutionary actions against society?
Based post-marxist.


was also surprised and shocked. These are incompatible things, like, for example: saving jews together with Hitler or eating meat together with Mahatma Gandhi.


> Real leftist politics is anti-authoritarian
Both left and right can be both liberal and authoritarian. I'm not even going to take this bait seriously. Are you echoing the DPRU propaganda aimed at senile grannies who are deeply instilled with the USSR anti-fascist propaganda to turn them against Russia, claiming that Russia is a fascist state (while in fact it's a continuation of USSR with a KGBist at the helm), and DPRU is a progressive leftist country striving to join EU and sharing its values?

In fact, serious politologists define much more axes than liberal-authoritarian and left-right, like ownership, market, power, autonomy, identity, or progress. They can be balanced in arbitrary combinations, representing different existing movements, and there's no any contradiction with that.
> And the gastrointestinal tract of animals is of different lengths and shapes
You mad? RTFM: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruminant#Digestive_system_of_ruminants

Tell me directly: would you like to eat grass and chew the cud like a cow?

Why even recall Hitler and Gandhi? They're long dead.

Ideologies are not cast in stone. If you do, you will end up with same totally silly questions as Jews, like if switching the electrical light on is igniting a fire, and thus if it is allowed in Sabbath.


If you want, call "left" authoritarian regimes left fascism. I used to say that any fascism is shitty, no matter what it is called, right or left. But in fact, based on leftist ideas such as equality, social justice, individualism - then in this case authoritarianism and dictatorship are out of place, because they are contradictory. It is impossible to talk about rights and freedoms, and at the same time censor, shut people up, put them in prison for expressing their opinion. If this happens, then this is a lying, hypocritical and fascist state. Fascism in Russia has also existed and still exists.

Regarding the nutrition of animals and people, if you compare a cow with a person, then I have two friends who tested diets and nutrition on themselves. For example, when they eat only grass (which mountain goats, bulls and cows eat) or greens, sometimes juice from them, after that their feces in the toilet are the same format and color as a cow's. The speed, quality and chemistry of digestion depends on what we eat.


> But in fact, based on leftist ideas such as equality, social justice, individualism - then in this case authoritarianism and dictatorship are out of place, because they are contradictory.

There's totally no any contradiction. Equality and social justice need a strong authority to be enforced upon everyone. You don't live among pink ponies, humans are highly mischievous creatures unless they fear of something, be that a monarch, a god, a communist party or aggressive SJWs. Commies in fact attempted to breed a new generation of people by selection, "Soviet people", who naturally cannot behave wrong, but they actually achieved the opposite. Nazis were more successful at that as they had more practical criteria.
> It is impossible to talk about rights and freedoms, and at the same time censor, shut people up, put them in prison for expressing their opinion.
What does leftism have to do with expressing arbitrary opinions?
> after that their feces in the toilet are the same format and color as a cow's
> The speed, quality and chemistry of digestion depends on what we eat
You mad? How do you conclude the latter from the former? Do you attempt to amaze me with the fact when I eat mulberry my poop is black and when I eat acorns my poop contains unprocessed acorn seeds?

Tell me again, how are you even supposed to live on grass if you don't have a multi-chamber stomach? Are you aware how much of it (totally not nutricious, actually) cows have to eat and how many time do they need for it? As human stomaches are not even adapted for it, they would need to consume even more grass.

How long the experiment was? One week or less is totally not enough to exceed the reserves of the organisms and to see the effects of malnutrition.


>In addition, you will be surprised, but carnivorous animals can be made vegan.

There is nothing surprising about this, it is the norm. God created everyone vegan, this norm will be restored in the future. I read about this in the Bible:

(Genesis 1:29-30)"And God said, 'Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.' And it was so." (ESV)

(Isaiah 11:6-9)"The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall graze; their young shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. The nursing child shall play over the hole of the cobra, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder’s den. They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." (ESV)

(Isaiah 65:25)"The wolf and the lamb shall graze together; the lion shall eat straw like the ox, and dust shall be the serpent’s food. They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain, says the Lord." (ESV)


Get the fuck out, Jewish tales believer.


That's the thing, it contradicts and doesn't add up. Leftist ideas are primarily aimed at humanism, freedom, equality, social justice, individualism - this is the attitude towards a person, therefore freedom of speech, human rights are guaranteed. Regulation of the market and economy: there are many options that can be offered here, the main thing is that it is easier and more convenient for everyone, and everyone is in abundance. Yes, I do not argue that there are harmful people, but here we need to understand why and from what they are harmful, in order to take measures in the future to educate, re-educate or punish (if a person knows everything, understands and is in abundance and he deliberately harms). Punishment is not always and not necessarily prison, in each case a separate verdict. But if someone deserves a bullet, he will always get it.

Regarding digestion, from the available scientific facts it is worth paying attention to:


Similarities Mechanical grinding of food: Both cows and humans grind food with their teeth, preparing it for further digestion. Chemical breakdown of macromolecules: Both organisms use enzymes to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates into monomers that can be absorbed. Thus, despite differences in structure and functioning of the digestive systems, the basic principles of food digestion remain similar.

Humans also have microbiota in the digestive system, which plays an important role in the digestion process and maintaining health. Although the organ systems of humans and cows differ, the roles of microorganisms in digestion are similar. The Role of Microbiota in Humans Colonic Microbiota: The main location of microorganisms in the human digestive system is the large intestine. It consists of many different bacteria, archaea, viruses, and fungi that participate in the process of fermentation of food residues. Fiber Fermentation: Just as microorganisms in the rumen of cows ferment fiber, the microbiota of the large intestine in humans also ferment indigestible dietary fiber. The products of fermentation include short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) - such as acetate, propionate, and butyrate - which are absorbed by the intestinal wall and can be used by the body. Maintenance of Gut Health: SCFAs are important for maintaining the health of intestinal epithelial cells and may help reduce inflammation. Microbiota are also involved in the synthesis of vitamins (such as vitamin K and some B vitamins), metabolism, and metabolism of drugs and detoxification of harmful substances. Immune function: The microbiota plays an important role in maintaining the immune system by stimulating the development and function of immune cells. Maintains the barrier function of the gut, preventing the penetration of pathogens. Comparison with cows Location of fermentation: In cows, fiber fermentation occurs primarily in the rumen, a large fermentation "chamber" filled with microbes. In humans, most fiber fermentation occurs in the large intestine, which is anatomically and functionally different from the rumen, but similar in the mode of microbial action. Fatty acid production and use: As in cows, the microbiota of humans produces fatty acids through fermentation, which are then used by the body for energy and metabolic processes. Microbial diversity: The microbiota of both species consists of a variety of different microorganisms adapted to specific environmental conditions and food types. Conclusion Although the anatomy of the digestive system differs between humans and cows, the role of the microbiota in food fermentation and health is of great importance General. Microorganisms play a key role in breaking down complex carbohydrates into digestible forms, maintaining gut health and the immune system.


As for my two friends, there was an experiment for about a year (+/-). They tried different foods and diets.


So what's all that pride's about?
Social group? I don't give a damn who's attracted to whom and who's innit.
Why should I give a fuck about some retarded reactive movement shit?
Just go fuck yoself away somewhere else junkies.


Yes, the MAP social group, and other people are in solidarity with us. The point of the pride is to improve equality and human rights, legalize relationships and give legal opportunity to people under the established age (age of consent) to register a marriage. We also protest against fascist tendencies such as pedophobia, ageism, pedohysteria and anti-pedophile laws.

Our group does not force anyone to come and participate, everything is voluntary. If you are not interested and do not want to participate, then do not come. I repeat: we do not force, not compel or not hold anyone.


Then it seems you distract attention of general public from largely established HR movement and agenda to your minority MAP something with its own specifics. Succeded much in such diversion?


We decided to raise the issue of urgent problems. If mainstream HR does not protect the rights of those who really need it, + also deliberately keeps silent about the existence of these people, as if they do not exist - this is hypocrisy and double standards, like a split personality syndrome (to put it mildly). We are focused on the need to protect those who are not protected and protect the most vulnerable. Pop HR protects those who have long been legally protected! Where is the logic??


Calm down.
The logic is such that you're eroding the mainstream HR movement. Because it's already weak and there's no large fraction in it of those who'll definitively support your agenda.
Therefore, stop mixing MAP with HR as there's almost nothing in common.
If you're saying that some or most pedo-restrictive laws are against HR and can be treated as some form of fascism, you're welcome to provide rigorous proofs. And yeah, worldwide accepted particular definition of fascism, opression and other stuff you're talking about an relying on would be another plausible factor to weave in your MAP-related problems into HR landscape.
You also might start well with things such as age of consent, legal capacity, mental capacity for instance.


Regarding fascism - the evidence will be in court. Every ultra-rightist who killed, beat up, insulted MAP - will be punished. You probably saw the video where a group of neo-nazis beat up MAP. And you think they will get away with it? No! Sooner or later will have to answer for everything and pay. Anti-pedophilia is an ideology derived from fascism.

If the main HR refuses to support and protect MAP, then in that case it is necessary to disband, dismantle the hypocritical and sanctimonious HR and install a normal HR. Regarding mental abilities and capacity - everything is individual: when a person is ready and capable - then let him start building his life, in this case he has the right. A person must be trained and prepared for capacity from an early age (until full physical readiness), otherwise he will be retarded, not independent and not smart. Regarding sexual life, you can start only when there is already sexual attraction, libido, desires, love, but if this is not yet there, then you should not do this. Regarding childhood sexuality, there are scientific studies, for example, Sigmund Freud and Alfred Kinsey were engaged in these studies.


Politicians say:

Children who voluntarily engage in sexual activity have the right to such a decision, even if it is personally unpleasant to us. Some children will make poor choices, just as adults do when they smoke or drink to excess; it's part of life. Banning child porn increases the price paid by children participating in it by increasing the desire of adults to use children against their will - Mary Ruwart, Libertarian Party.

Children have the right to know their body and have sex with anyone - these are the words of Spain's Minister for Equality Irene Montero.


>Anti-pedophilia is an ideology
And your MAP stuff isn't, of course.
>everything is individual: when a person is ready and capable
And you're the one to set an appropriate criteria. Yeah, no shit.
>A person must
ORLY? Go for it!

Overall in my opinion your posts are quite arrogant and smugly yet you have your rights and opinions so fight for them.
Good luck and take care lol)


>And your MAP stuff isn't, of course.

Normal, civilized MAPs, yes.

>And you're the one to set an appropriate criteria.

But it is necessary to achieve this panacea! Democracy is democracy for the reason that every voice is heard and everyone has the right to self-determination. According to the International Convention and the Constitution, everyone has the right to freedom of speech, opinion, position, views and self-determination.

>Good luck and take care lol)

Thank you)


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Germany, Cologne


боже, це буде потужно❤️. Правильне рішення, я підтримую цю справу.


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MAP and Antifa in Germany submit petition to Bundestag. The petition calls for the inclusion of the sexual identity of pedophilia in Article 3, paragraph 3, of the Basic Law. In addition to LGBT+, the sexual minority of pedophiles must also be protected from discrimination. Such a prohibition of discrimination is necessary regardless of the applicable legal situation under Article 176 StGB. Pedophilia is a sexual identity/orientation/inclination, not sexual abuse of children.




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Уборщик удали это говно


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Иди нахуй фашист ебаный!


Gay niggers


You dumb fucking nigger faggot.
I ever meet your sorry ass out on the street you getting beat to shit.


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wtf kys pedo


ОП фудист и кордтрун


Але ж єбані зумери люблять єбані аббревіатури! Їсти їм не дай, аби тільки чергову хуй-пойми-кому-відому аббревіатуру на себе натягнути.
fear, uncertainty, and doubt – то понятно, олдова хуйня. А друге
то типу об мужичків з Корпусу Оперативно-Раптової Дії інтимними частинами потертися?


>fear, uncertainty, and doubt – то понятно, олдова хуйня
Лол, вперше чую. На бордах з 2000-их.





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